This Is The Time To Resist

What You’ll Find Here

Times of Resistance is an academic blog that explains what Trump is doing here in Washington. You’ll gain a basic understanding, but I also help readers find out where to go if they want more details.

I want to inform. I also feel there’s a real need to untangle the issues so we feel more confident we actually know what’s going on!

I explain the effects of Trump’s actions, what WE can do about it, and most of all, remind people that we have power and that we can slow him down and even stop him.

I want to educate, support, and provide a jumping off point for people who are just starting to learn about these really important issues. Once you feel you’ve wrapped your head around how crazy things are, I’ll help you find out where to go for more details.

Everything I write about is available from the menu on my homepage, but some content is sent directly to followers. My first impressions, special reports, and odds and ends will be available on my website immediately. My essays take longer to read and are available in a daily series only to my followers, as are some of my reflections and theories about the current state of affairs. Subscribe here or simply hit the follow button to read my work as soon as I write it. When I’ve finished one of my longer works, I’ll publish it on the homepage. Until then, follow along in your inbox.


I created Times of Resistance to make sure that we never forget how good things were before Trump changed everything. Not everything is bad, only about 99% of it.

Just like everything else in life, some days will be really hard. It’ll be tempting to accept things as normal, to lower your standards so that you can actually feel good about what’s going on. However, you need to always remember that Trump is NOT NORMAL.

In 2020, we want to vote for someone who isn’t just better than Trump but WAY better than Trump and maybe even better than we’ve ever had!

There’s gonna be a day when someone who cares actually asks us what we want, when we have a chance to vote for someone who’s going to pay attention to us, and I don’t ever want to think that’s a fantasy.

For me, writing it all down allows me to remember the way things used to be. If I ever have trouble remembering, I’ll have something to refer to.

I hope you enjoy Times of Resistance. Please remember that you are worth it, your voice matters, and that you are stronger than you think.

Begin Reading


  1. I am sorry, but when you announce your site will be dedicated to Trump bashing, I’m affraid I can not take it seriously.. You even sound like one of those eho claimrled Obama was a good prez., even after his constant warfare nearly bankrupting the US plus endangering it from counterterrorrism.

    1. Hi Ludwig. Thank you for your response. You are welcome here. I don’t know about any typos that may have indicated that I am willing to be biased or to engage in “Trump bashing.” I am vehemently against that. If those words exist anywhere on my site, please show me so I can delete them.

      I’m glad you’ve taken the time to read my blog and make an informed conclusion. If you’d like, you can find certain examples so that we can clear up some of the confusion.

      It may be a benefit to comment directly on an article you dislike so that I can see what you’re referring to.

      I appreciate your time here. Please come again anytime.

  2. Hey! Thank you for following my blog! That means a lot to me! What’s more it led me to your very thoughtful blog! I want to encourage you to KEEP WRITING POSTS!!! I notice DACA is the last posting but there has been so much more and your VOICE is needed! Come back soon and often to my blog as I will yours! Light, Love and RESISTANCE! Shona

    1. Thanks, Shona. I appreciate your support. I hurt a bit financially so I’ve been focusing on other things. However, that’s one of their weapons: making it harder for us to resist. I have also been rethinking my writing career, focusing more on my book lately. On the financial side, I’m looking at ways to combine the book I’m writing and a job that involves the same topic. A lot of self-reflection and -assessment, to be honest. I’m getting pretty close actually.

      My biggest problem is thinking my blog posts are good enough unless they’re the best I can do, but I am getting MUCH better at controlling that.

      Keep resisting, and please, your encouragement is amazing so keep it coming and I’ll get back to doing my part! 🙂

    2. That has got to be your next post! Finance and the role it plays in resistance!!!! Write it today! Your posts ARE ABSOLUTELY good enough! Stay tuned to PHDinMEBlog as I am going to be doing something this weekend on self-reflection and assessment (I totally get it:/)AND I will always try to keep us pointing upward and onward in general on my page! Peace and Blessings!

  3. As I am one of the more socially “quiet” ones on WordPress, thanks for the follow and stopping by my blog and am glad I took a few moments to glance through your content.

    While I posted a more extended comment on one of your essays, I thought I’d refresh the issue of Net Neutrality really quick on your About page as it has always seemed to me there is but one critical question we all must wrestle with as it relates to which side of the issue you should/would/could fall on.

    How many lives will be (lost/destroyed/damaged) because members of Corporate America were given signal traffic priority over individual victims of hurricanes? Fires? Sexual assault? Robbery? A shooting? A missile launch? A runaway? A kidnapping? Protesting? Broadcasting police brutality live?

    The Internet cannot be a Corporate America Membership Only setting in which every “unregistered” person is a Persona Non Grata while a pile of papers is treated like a real, living and breathing single human being as Citizens United suggests.

  4. Thanks for the follow guys, I don’t have many and it’s nice to see some people understand my view, especially of something so dynamic as music. I appreciate it and I would be honored to check out some material you have to offer on this blog as well. God Bless.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Mitchell. Music gotten all of us through tough times and has been there as a soundtrack to a great time, as well. It can define a generation and has often defined large blocks of history, especially in Western culture. As we face challenges as far away as North Korea and as close as a few blocks from where I sit in D.C., music plays center stage in rejuvenating spirits and energizing a movement. So I definitely have an appreciation. I’m also a long-distance runner, and we need our mix tapes, haha.

      Keep writing, Mitchell, and send me any questions you have about what I write on my blog.

  5. Thanks for following my blog. Sorry it took a few days to reciprocate, I was trying to get a feel for your blog. While I see we are on opposite ends of the spectrum on a few viewpoints, I decided why not? After all, if we all have exact same opinion we’d lose our individuality, right?

  6. I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting for politicians to ask you what you want. The power of the working class is expressed at the point of production, when it declines to work, or occupies space and refuses to relinquish it. This has and never will change, whatever political pretence masks the hegemony of the bourgeoisie.

    We must act in all ways to sabotage the economy, which is the basis of their power, we must relentlessly destroy their interests without making demands, let them fret about what it is we want until they just want to get out with their lives – because they haven’t got it.

  7. I wanted to thank you for following my blog. I’m a native of Cornland. Buzzfeed tells me I’m a socialist libertarian anarchist – how’s that for validation? I think it’s a bit more nuanced than that, but there are strange disconnects around me each day, I generally keep things neutral as I don’t want to seem a paper tiger, constantly blustering but achieving little. Excelsior.

  8. If it wasn’t for the fact that I have a book to write and am already being stretched too far timewise, I would follow your blog in an instant. Anyway ….. came here to offer my sincere thanks for your recent decision to follow Learning from Dogs. Thank you!

    1. Thanks, Paul. I’m currently writing two books and this blog, and it’s an incredible task. So I totally understand. I appreciate your support.

  9. Thank you for following my little new blog. I think you are doing a great job of getting information out to people, especially like me, because I have only lived in the US for half a decade, hence my knowledge of American politics is still in the nascent stages and I really am interested in getting to know a lot more. Many Indians have always looked up to America as an ideal in terms of opportunity and free speech and now it feels so strange to see the intense political divide. Sometimes it scares us because we are not sure how welcome we are here anymore, especially from an establishment perspective, even though most of the everyday people we meet are pretty cool. I really hope to learn a lot from your blog and also play my part in trying to bridge the divide between different communities who are ultimately striving for the same ideals.

  10. Yes Trump IS doing some good things and I think his agenda of Borders/Language/Culture is essentially reasonable.

    TRUMP/PENCE 2020 😂
    make the internet GREAT AGAIN !

    1. Thank you, Desdi. You’re welcome here at ReasonsToResist. I’m especially interested in your comments about language and culture. I’ve lived abroad, traveled to 30 countries, and I speak Mandarin and some Spanish. What’s your experience?

    1. Thank you, Laurn. I hope you enjoy reading my posts. If you have additional information about any of the topics here, your input is appreciated.

  11. Thank you for following my blog, and for being involved in the issues. I hope to see more Americans, especially young people, get involved in what’s happening in government, become aware of the facts, be willing to have open discussions and take nonviolent actions in support of human rights for all people

  12. The Trump Phenomena is fascinating – and a whole lot scary if you let yourself get bogged down in fear. I try hard not to. And I guess it’s easier for me for afar watching it unfold and praying that it will be short lived and confined.
    Thank you so much for the follow – I have read several of your posts now, with great interest. It is the grass roots actions that will create the change this world needs.

    1. Thank you so much. I hope I can get into the details so you don’t have to. Where are watching from afar?

      I’m glad you like you my blog. If you have additional information about any of my posts, I’m happy to have you here.

    1. Thank you! Good luck with your site. If you have additional information about any of my posts, I’m happy to hear from you.

  13. Thank you for following my blog! I hope you enjoy the Intercultural Hedgehog. I know I will enjoy reading your rants about the Cheeto in Chief. My blog is mostly about intercultural issues, but Trump sure provides excellent fodder.

    1. Thank you for comment. There are plenty of rant-worthy issues, but I do aim to be objective. If he did something good, I’d report it. I just can’t find much of that!

      I love intercultural issues. Not just what intersects foreign policy or trade but anything like misunderstanding due to language barriers, intercultural marriage, accommodating tourists, etc. I’ve been to 30 countries and lived in 4 of them. I spent 18 in China, and their culture is so different.

      I hope you like my blog. Please ask questions, stay informed, and teach everyone why you’ve learned. We need to arm ourselves with the knowledge to resist.

    1. Thank you. I aim to untangle all the complexity so that everyone can understand what’s going on here in D.C. I hope you enjoy my blog.

    1. Thank you, Rose. I agree. I liked your post about Charlottesville. I’m sure you have additional information that can benefit my readers. Welcome to the discussion.

    1. Thank you, as well. I hope you enjoy your time here. If you have additional information about any of my posts, please comment wherever you can help. Welcome to the discussion.

    1. Thank you, Cate. I hope you enjoy your time here. Please comment wherever you have additional information. Welcome to the discussion.

  14. Thank you for following my blog. I hope you won’t mind if I don’t return the compliment for now. As you probably noticed I have not been posting much lately. I have several projects going on at present and much as I’d like to read up on your insights into the issues surrounding Trump’s election and his performance as POTUS, I really don’t have the time. I wish you the very best of luck and hope you are able to get your message across and that the next Presidential campaign produces a result more favourable to the USA and to the rest of the world – if we survive that long!

    1. Thank you, Frank. I see you’re following me on Twitter. I’ll continue tweeting at Trump, and you can keep up that way. I’m also on Facebook, Instagram, and many other social media sites. If an article catches your eye and you have some time, you can access the link there.

      Thank you for your good wishes. I will continue informing as many people as a I can. Most importantly, I want to untangle the mess of information we hear all day long so that everyone can at least understand it!

      We will survive this! 2020 is around the corner. Don’t worry.

  15. Thank you for the follow. It feels wonderful to find a fellow Conservative and Trump supporter here on WP, as I try to get my site off of the ground. Looking forward to following you and learning from your perspective!


    1. *cough cough* Let me rephrase that. Upon closer inspection you obviously do not support Trump. But regardless of that, thank you for the follow. The one thing I certainly support is free speech, so honestly I still look forward to hearing your perspectives!

    2. Thank you for your comment. Sorry for the confusion. Everyone is welcome here. I hope for an open and honest conversation and perhaps finding common ground.

      If you have questions or additional information about any of my posts, I’ll be happy to discuss them with you.

    3. Thank you. That’s wonderful. You may want to check out some of my posts on more biparisan issues like “Crumbling Infrastructure,” Opioid Epidemic,” and “North Korea.” If you go back further to the beginning of the administration, I think you’ll be pleased with my post about Taiwan. I just wish Trump hadn’t backed down so quickly.

      The only way go get anything done that will help EVERYONE is through cooperation. So I appreciate your willingness to try. Let’s see where it goes.

  16. Thank you for following my blog! And go on with your great work!! I’m an Historian and I know how dangerous foolish and megalomaniac leaders can be. I think there hasn’t been a day, we don’t discuss Trump in my family….It’s really sad how the image of the U.S. in the world has changed since January, that won’t make America great again!! And after all what’s it worth being a great Nation on the outside with Violence, Poverty, Fear, Hate and dividing Powers on the inside….but maybe we all get it wrong and we just have to look at

    The World according to Donald

    1. Thank you for your comment and for studying history, one of the most underrated subjects. We’ve talked about this at home almost everyday since he was elected.

      If we can’t cope with the crushing reality, our feelings and our stress become vehicles of normalization. Therefore, we mustn’t allow ourselves to get so exhausted that we rationalize that this is somehow okay in order to give our hearts a break for a second.

      Most of us weren’t prepared for this, and I don’t know how you train for a marathon that’s already started, but I personally cope with this by never forgetting the way things were before 2016.

      We need to spend as much time making sure we’re staying who we are as we do fighting so we don’t get exhausted. Otherwise, 2020 will seem even further.

  17. Thank you, for the follow….I do try not to get involved in politics and certainly not another country although I have strong ties(( family) In the US. And sometimes it is hard( for me) not to have an opinion…lol.. But and I will tweet him..when I can be bothered but that man,… mine was purely because I couldn’t think of anything and was done tongue in cheek….His was done egoistically.He pinched my twitter handle and when I can be bothered I will check who had it first…lol @TheRealCarolT

    1. You’re welcome. I certainly understand. It’s important to have an opinion. Your voice matters in our politics by letting voters know what you’d do if we elect someone you like or don’t like.

      Keep tweeting at him. I do that everyday. He needs to understand that we’re all paying attention and will not back down.

      Thank you for joining the conversation. You are valuable.

    1. I’m afraid I’m biased against Trump. Also, I try not to involve myself in politics while doing something I love as it ruins the mood. I hope you can understand.
      -Author S

    2. Sadly, even Trump supporters seem to be against him at this point.

      I feel I have to be involved, but it’s very important that we also have diversity of skill. Otherwise, everybody would be doing the same thing.

      If you’re working on something in particular, let me know if there’s any way I can help.

    3. No kidding, it’s so strange! Of course it’s important to be involved, but separation is good too! Any feedback would be lovely! My series could use a look if you’d like. The Master List has everything, so feel free to take a look at that too!
      Happy reading!
      -Author S

    4. I just read your post, “Cutting the Workload.” Keys worn from aggressive typing? That’s me. I’m afraid there will be a lot of aggressive typing over the next 4 years.

      I love your work. It’s important that you know that I cannot continue my work without the work of so many others. I’ll come right out and say that a random person that encourages me at the gym is critical to my success as a writer and as a human being. Whether you’re writing poetry or you simply practice being a friendly face, your impact is more than you know.

      As I said, we all have a different role to play. I like your work. Keep it up!

    5. Oh wow! Thank you so much! It’s comments like this that make my day and make glad I do what I do. I’m glad you can gain inspiration and encouragement from everyone around you, and I hope no matter how dark politics may get, that those people will get you through your days. You’re always welcome to stop by for a friendly face!
      Happy reading and blogging (just not too hard, or your keyboard may not make it)!
      -Author S

    6. I’ve had a rather diverse set of experiences in my life that has given me a strong ability to observe and extract even the tiniest amount of positivity. I then share that with anyone I can! So you’re welcome!

      I also try to keep things upbeat while I’m explaining what’s going on here in D.C. If the news is too scary, don’t be afraid to stop by!

    7. Well, thank you very much for the invitation. I’m sure I’ll check up on things every once in a while if I’m not already looking at articles on my phone.
      Happy blogging!
      -Author S

    1. Thank you, Chirayu. I appreciate your support.

      Please remind everyone in India that they do have influence on our politics. If Trump knows the Indian people won’t accept him, he will have to do something to reaffirm his commitment to close relations with India.

  18. I am glad we finally have someone in office that is not on the payroll of special interest, that speaks the truth. Most, especially the younger generation has many years of liberal indoctrination that is nothing like the way I was raised in the 50’s. I was not raised a Christian but follow Christ as an adult. I can’t imagine if I thought like the average liberal progressive. They seem hate filled and love to spread lies and propaganda to further their own Godless agenda. Don’t believe everything your hear or be “star-struck” just cause a celeb says something.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I support the lobbying ban. I think there should also be a temporary ban on allowing bank Wall Street executives to become Treasury officials.

      I’ve studying the issues for many years. Growing up in a swing state, I knew someone would disagree no matter what views I held. I wanted to learn for myself.

      It seems you’ve also paid close attention and came up with a different conclusion. Is it just freedom of religion that bothers you or is there something else you’d like to see?

    1. Thank you. I hope you enjoy your time here. If you have additional information about any of my posts, I’d love to hear from you.

  19. Thank you for following my blog. I didn’t know what to think at first when I read the name of your blog. I am 64 years old and I just never thought I would be seeing someone like this man in the white house . I will be following you blog to see what interesting posts you have.

    1. Thank you. I didn’t expect it either. It’s even worse that his supporters aren’t happy either.

      Thank you for joining. I hope that you enjoy your time here. If you have additional information about any of my posts, I’d be happy to hear from you.

    1. Thank you, John. I’ll keep explaining what’s going on here in D.C. If we study what we don’t like, we can change it. Thank you for your support.

    1. Thank you, Jon. I look forward having a dialogue about Trump. I just posted again today, about the RAISE Act. Hope to hear what you think.

  20. Thanks for visiting my blog. And yours: Wow. Depressing. Comical. Pinch me. Par for the course, our insane times, your crazy POTUS. I just don’t know how you bring yourself to document even more than sputters around the internet every single damn day. But, bless you for the courage and strength.

    1. I understand your confusion. I prefer to spend my time studying something I don’t like. That way, we can figure out how to change it.

      I’m glad you’re having a good experience on my blog. I appreciate your support.

  21. Thank you for following A Couple of Stars and a Happy Face! I hope you’ll be able to find a Smile or two to help ease some of your political anxieties – even if it’s only for the few moments you’re reading! 😉😉

    1. I really appreciate that, KJ. Thank you for keeping us happy while we work through these issues. Sometimes it only takes a few moments to get a boost of energy.

  22. The Deep State coup preparations are in full swing. A pop in the new economic bubbles (real estate, stocks, bonds, the careening dollar) will crash the economy and give the Establishment Crony Republicans the excuse they crave to join the billionaire-loving Establishment Crony Democrats in finishing off the COUP AGAINST THE ELECTORATE.

    Game not over though. I hope I’m not here. Besides the economic free fall that will make the Great Depression caused by the nationalization of the banking industry in 1917 look like prosperity, the political tensions will unleash. The economic catastrophe caused by the effects of the welfare-warfare state regime in full power mode after World War Two will provoke the vandalistic nihilists that burn buildings and attack conservative and Christian speakers, joining jihadists already here pretending to be peaceful, in the streets. They will go to full riot mode.

    Some agents provocateurs in the pay of Soros financed groups (they declare this sin, they hide it not) will then agitate the crowds for more violence.

    Attacks on “rightists” who believe in biological facts over sanity will be victims of attacks, and the “Media” will be shocked at their self-defense tactics. Just as when they blamed the Branch Davidians for the brutal depraved burning down of their home together with women and babies.


    1. I agree there are some economic issues, including escalating car loan defaults and untapped potential to create bonds backed by medical bill receivables.

      Can you explain more about the “biological facts” you mentioned.

      Feel free to express yourself here. Everyone is welcome.

    2. Biological facts: There are indisputable biological differences between the two sexes, including proven behavioral proclivities, are targets of vitriol and hate in many forums, especially in social media, and now increasingly in legislatures and courtrooms, driven by billionaire associations (and members of secret societies too, I have met some personally) that finance certain advocacy groups and even coups d’etat like in Ukraine.

      Their Neo-Brownshirts, gullibles, burn buildings on a campus, for example, where fellow students of different persuasions dare to invite well-known speakers.

    3. Thank you for your comments. I respect your views. I’m sorry you’re so frustrated. What would you prefer happen instead?

  23. Hi there. Thank you for visiting and following HoB. Much appreciated!
    I will keep my eye on your blog for sure.

  24. I’d like to thank you for following my blog, especially since, at least by reading your introduction, we seem on opposite ends of the American political expression. I’m glad to see people of different opinions than me reach out and glance at my blog–it gives me hope that there are people on both sides that are willing to talk and stop the animosity. As a college student, I see some of it among some of my peers as many people my age are liberals. I hope you find some enjoyment out of my content.

    1. I wish it weren’t so surprising, but yes, I am interested. I genuinely want to know what the other side is thinking.

      If you can add anything beneficial to my readers, I’d be happy to hear from you.

    2. Honestly, there are more tolerant people on both sides out there than the media lets on. (My best friend happens to be a liberal as a matter of fact.) As I discussed with come calculus classmates the night of the election (two liberals and an independent) is that people understand that there are bonafide reasons people take certain sides that should be considered before they are labeled haters or any of a menagerie of terms. In any case, I’m grateful for those on the other side who are interested like you are. It gives me a lot of respect for people such as yourself.

      Since you follow my blog now, you’ll be in the know. Feel free to reblog posts you find suitable for your purposes.

    3. Thank you. I agree. I grew up in a swing state so I’m used to hearing it from all sides. I’ve also watched U.S. elections in multiple countries for research, including 2012 in China with about a thousand people, which sure was an experience.

      Your classmates seem to have a variety of views. Let them know they are welcome here and feel free to share any of my posts with them.

    4. My state usually tends to be Republican, but it has swung Democratic before. The county I live in happens to be right next to one of the most liberal counties in the state, and I also live near a university at home, so I feel you. Given that and other things and that I’ve always found myself drawn to conservatism, it has proved to be an interesting exposure.

      Indeed. I’m not sure where some of the others and some of my college friends are yet, but if it comes up, I will keep it in mind.

    5. Only four counties voted for Hillary in the election in my state…the one with our state capital, two with two of the major universities (including the one with university I attend) of my state, and the one right next to the county I live in.

    6. Nothing like the riots at the really liberal West Coast schools, but in the week following the election, there were some chalkings (I don’t remember exactly what was written) on the ground making not-so-nice comments about Trump (and his voters). So, it wasn’t great, but it wasn’t too terrible.

    7. During the weekend of Trump’s inauguration, I was in downtown D.C. I couldn’t get back to my car because the military closed the street due to a suspicious vehicle. A cop helped me sneak into the garage through a backdoor, though.

      Personally, I was happy to see so many people sharing their views and standing up for their beliefs.

    8. I’m all for sharing views and standing up for beliefs…it’s an integral part of the First Amendment…I just thought that what was written on the sidewalk was uncalled for. They were saying stuff like Trump was maggot food, etc. Even though I didn’t like Hillary, I wouldn’t have gone out and written stuff like that about her if she had one.

    9. I’ve definitely heard and read a lot. Both sides have said some hateful things. If it’s just words, it is what it is, but I’ve also been on the receiving end so I know how hurtful some speech can be.

  25. I share your frustration. Being much older than you (68), I am all the more astounded at the election of Trump. After accepting the reality of the election, I realized that –in addition to online venting and communicating with like-minded family, friends and, yes, strangers–there would have to be actual good ol’ fashioned activism. Since Trumpov was elected, I have been to 30+ demonstrations, marches, rallies etc. Some were big. Some were small. Many, but not all, were organized by the Middle Tennessee Indivisible group. I have also begun to focus on Freedom of the Press and I am trying to do a small amount of public relations for a small, independent — and progressive — media outlet in town. This is all to say anyone who can needs to be online BUT ALSO in the outside flesh-and-blood world. You need to be on street corners near the offices of your representatives. You need to be in the streets. You need to be at organizational meetings. And we need to support kindred causes. I have shown up for LGBT causes, Pro-Obamacare, Anti-Trumpcare, DACA Dreamers, Moms Demand (gun safety), Women’s March (Jan. 21, 2017), Earth Day and climate change and others. The point is DO SOMETHING. To paraphrase Martin Luther King: If you can’t fly, run. If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl. The goal is to just keep moving forward. I understand people are busy with their own lives. But we should all do whatever can. And most importantly, DON’T DESPAIR/DO SOMETHING.

    1. Thank you, Don. Activism is so important. Thank you for going to so many events. I’ve seen many protests here in D.C., but I’m happy to hear that there are many in Tennessee, as well.

      Protests also benefit people like me because they motivate me to keep writing. Half a million protesters at the women’s march really showed me how important it is to continue speaking out.

      Your public relations work sounds interesting. Thank you for doing such great work.

      I’m sure you have a lot of knowledge that can benefit everyone. If you want to contribute to any of my posts, I’d be happy to hear more from you!

  26. I was thinking about what you said about whether something like this has happened before, and in way, yes. More than once. Not precisely, because people are individuals and circumstances aren’t completely the same, but yes, people who were disillusioned with idealistic leaders who seemed out of touch with people’s daily struggles and desires have elected leaders with charismatic personalities, the friendly, good-old-boy kind who seemed like they would be fascinating to sit down and have a beer or play a game of poker with, who promised to bring their countries back to greatness through tax cuts and extreme pro-business stances. The problem is that I’ve never really liked those periods of history, and I like history.

    If you’ve never read Only Yesterday by Frederick Lewis Allen, check out the first few chapters, where he talks about the end of WWI and people’s disillusionment with President Wilson and the election of Warren G. Harding at the beginning of the 1920s. Some of the attitudes sound eerily familiar. People loved Harding at first, but after his death, they learned now riddled with corruption his administration really was. Harding died in office (apparent heart attack) and was succeeded by his Vice President, Calvin Coolidge. Coolidge cleaned up some of the corruption of Harding’s administration but continued his economic policies, which eventually contributed to the stock market crash at the end of the decade, leading to the Great Depression. That’s why I wouldn’t feel much better about Pence taking over if Trump leaves office.

    1. By the way, Only Yesterday was published in 1931. The man who was writing it was talking about what was “only yesterday” for him, about events he had just witnessed during the 1920s. I mention that in case someone thinks that there could be any deliberate anti-Trump propaganda in it. Frederick Lewis Allen wrote the book before Trump was born. It just struck me that some of the attitudes of the times seem to be repeating themselves about 100 years later.

    2. I often feel compelled to note the original publication date of a book because I don’t want someone to think it’s all lies. These times have happened before, and historians have written about it for a very long time.

      However, I am getting used to history repeating itself. By identifying the problem, we have a much better chance of coping with it, protecting ourselves, or even stopping it.

    3. Thank you. Even his supporters have lost hope. They were promised so many great things, and that’s not fair.

      You’re right. This isn’t new. Strategically, I’d much rather run against Trump in 2020. Pence would be harder to beat.

      You seem to know a lot about this. We can all benefit from having you here. If you can add any information to my other posts, I’d love to hear from you!

  27. Thank you for liking and following my blog. I know how you feel when you see someone you believe is unqualified to lead our country become president. That is how I felt when Obama became president. I did not like his politics from 15 years ago (which have not changed), so I did not vote for him. But I gave him a chance. And I watched him fail at making our country a strong, independent one. He should have chosen another career path. His eight years as POTUS broke my heart as a citizen. I was at the point of voting for anyone to see him replaced after his first term of office expired. Of the two major runners politics gave us after Obama’s final term, I decided against Clinton because she is dishonest and too similar to Obama for my taste. Like you, I am anxious and concerned since Trump became president. Good luck to your blog, to President Trump, and the very best of luck to our country. I am interested to see where we will be 4 years later.

    1. Thank you, Steven. I feel so sorry that you got to that point. The last 8 years must have been really rough. It’s particularly disturbing that you’re still not getting what you want even now. I congratulated Trump supporters, thinking they could finally get what they wanted, but doesn’t seem to be the case, and that’s not fair.

      Wanting to vote for literally anyone else is one reason I’m writing this blog. There could be a strong urge to do that, especially after four years of Trump. However, that would just lower the bar and elect someone a little better than Trump when I really want someone WAY better than Trump.

      Over the next four years, I will keep track of what’s going on so that we can be as informed as possible when we listen to the 2020 campaigns. I want to remember how things were before Trump so we can find a candidate that will get us back to where we were.

      I hope you enjoy my blog. If you have additional information about any of my posts, I’d be happy to hear from you!

  28. Thanks for the follow. My condolences to America. I am from Australia and watch the news with such sadness. If my vote could’ve aided you guys in someway, I would have voted against him.

    1. You can definitely help.

      Encourage Turnbull to push Trump into TPP. It’s more than economic. It’s strategic. It would improve efforts to enforce fair trade practices and freedom of navigation.

    1. Thank you, Karl. I received your e-mail. If you have any information you’d like to share publically, I think many people would benefit from what you have to say.

  29. First of all thank you for following horse addict. I am Canadian and cannot vote in the US and as such I feel it is best to keep my mouth shut on the topic of Trump at least to Americans. Many of us in Canada are very concerned about this Presidency because we all live in a connected world and Canada is very much affected by what happens in the US. I have now reached the point where I hope that there are still people in the US who will not fall silent and will make their voices heard when this President brings in orders and legislation that will make the US a very different place from the inclusive and forward thinking country I still hope it can be.

    1. Would love to read more of your work. No need to keep your mouth shut. Our allies vote for our President, as well, by letting voters know what you’d do if we elect someone you like or don’t like. Please expressing your views. We need to know so we can interact with you in a cohesive way that enhances and grows our alliances with others. You’re correct that we’re losing ground to ignorance here. I’ve heard from many that I should just accept that we prefer to live in a dumb culture rather than share my intellect because they said they don’t want knowledge of any kind. Amazing, I know. However, we can, however few we are, keep fighting, keep educating, and keep winning. I hope you enjoy my site and keep returning for more. Next, I’ll be writing about Trump’s tweets and how they effect America.

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