So, Trump thinks he’s found a clever way to make sure foreigners can’t get into the United States AND help Americans get jobs that are currently held by foreigners. He’s deported a bunch of foreigners already, but now he wants to limit legal immigration, too! He seems to be focusing on STEM fields in particular because, unless you’re an Olympian or Nobel Prize winner, you can’t even APPLY without a STEM degree. Seriously, I’m barely even allowed to apply:



  1. I didn’t even come close to qualifying 18 out of 30. I’m 65 with a bachelor’s degree and the rest of my answers were the same as yours.

    Trump is doing the U.S. a huge disfavor, for most immigrants are very imaginative at pulling financial opportunities together. They see more with their fresh perspective.

    It’s obvious what Trump is trying to do – create a nation of only wealthy people.

    1. Don’t despair. This test was intended to disqualify most people. I hope a majority of Congress sees that the RAISE Act is just another way to keep people out.

      I agree with you. Trump is showing that socioeconomic discrimination is real and dangerous.

  2. While I do have a Master’s Degree from the University of San Francisco, I believe financially I would still fall short. It is redundant for me as I was born there and left even before Obama was elected.
    Have you thought of doing a post on those getting out, those who got out and those who want to but haven’t figured out how? I know that the numbers of those giving up their citizenship have sharply escalated.
    Thanks for choosing to follow one of my blogs. I hope you continue to enjoy the posts. Léa

    1. Thank you, Léa. If you haven’t formally renounced citizenship, then you don’t need to qualify.

      You’re correct. The number of people who leave every year has spiked. They raised the fee from $450 to $2,350, but it keeps rising.

      You seem to know more about this. Could you help us all understand a little better?

    2. I’m not exactly sure what you want? I must complete my request for French citizenship before renouncing. I’ll do my best with your questions but much is available on the internet. It would have been easy to go to Canada as I have family there and I believe there may still be some in Sweden but I’m afraid I love the sea and the sun so the Mediterranean was my first choice and here I am.

    3. Hi Léa. This is an academic blog so if you have any insights, reports, or ways to help people in a similar situation, we welcome that.

      Here are some suggestions: How long does it take to fully renounce from start to finish? Is your situation, leaving the U.S. for France, typical, or is it much different going from the U.S. to other countries or from other countries to France? How welcoming are most countries when they know you’re coming from the U.S.? Does France give you a French test before accepting you?

      If you have any information, I’m sure you could be helpful to others looking to move.

    4. I’m afraid there isn’t a menu that I can pick and choose from. Also, what was true for me coming a decade ago has surely changed at least some. I didn’t come as an immigrant but I came for a year for which I obtained my Long Term Visa or Carte de Sejour. I had to do some paperwork for the first five years, things have changed, but then applied for residency which I have. Any homework you do before hand will help. I was told that there would be a test in French and if so, I believe it was more being able to communicate with the person who you report to. I read French much better than I speak it. I’m an introvert and so I don’t like talking if I don’t have to. Since I read a lot, and love the French poets not to mention I write myself, that is what I focused the conversation on and it worked. One thing I did that saved me some headaches was communicate with someone who answered a question on one of those ex-pat sites. She emailed me and we kept communicating. When the time came to apply for the visa, she sent me copies of all her identification and insisted I use her address. We are still friends. Another thing that saved me thousands of dollars was a little book I read. I believe the authors name is Rosanne Knorr? The book was The Grown-Ups Guide to Running Away From Home but it has been updated since I left. Before you pack, check into which states have reciprocity for a driver’s license. When I left there were only five or six out of all fifty states. I managed to get one in one of them and later saw what a friend went through that had to earn hers here. Try to find someone in the Country you choose to go to and see what you can learn. There are ex-pat websites but I’ve seen too many errors there. However, like I said before things keep changing. Make a trip there and do it in the season that affects you most. You may require a warmer or cooler climate. As far as the big renounce goes, I am waiting until I have my French passport in hand. It impossible to say how welcoming people are as that is so individual. I had always heard that the French hated Americans and that is diametrically opposed to my experience. However, there is always “The Ugly American” attitude and politeness can go a long way. I’ve been to a number of Countries in my life but not to live. I am here and have no desire to be anywhere else.
      I really must go but if you have more specific questions, you know where to find me. Bonne Chance!

    5. Thank you for your reply. I think you don’t know how much you provided. There’s no menu, but you’ve certainly helped. I would’ve never thought about drivers license reciprocity.

      Thank you for helping. I don’t plan to leave–I did consider Carte de Sejour though–but I’m sure there’s someone out there that you’ve just helped, and that’s awesome.


    6. Lovely if I was able to help. Different countries have different requirements and they are all subject to change. While the ex-pat sites can be useful, they can also be wrong. Yes, the driver’s license issue save me at least three thousand and lots of time. I haven’t seen the updated copy of her book but I do believe there is now more than one and more Country specific. A man who had moved to France about a decade before I did recommended the book on one of the ex-pat sites. Also making a friend here even before visiting has been a huge bonus.
      A demain,

    7. Thanks Léa. I know the process is quite involved, but you’ve done your research. I think you’re going to have a great time there. I’m excited for you.

      If I know someone moving to France, I’ll let them know you’ve been helpful.

    8. Yes, but like elsewhere, the process changes so if I were coming now, I would be looking into what was current. However, I do recommend that book as it has a lot of little things one might overlook. Best wishes, Léa

  3. My partner and I are both born here and it would take us together to make it in. She’s an adjunct professor with a Masters and only gets 18 points whereas I squeak out 24 points with only my Bachelors.
    This is ridiculous. And any educator (or any kid who ever made it anywhere) can tell you standardized testing is a measure of your ability to take a test. Nothing more.

    1. There are many people that wouldn’t qualify. This is not meant to reform immigration but to stop it, to exclude people.

      This could be an easy one to stop. A simple presentation of the math could show the real number of people who would qualify, and I may be able to put that together and pass it along to Congress.

  4. Here is my problem with it. I would not even qualify. I have a bachelors in a STEM field, make good money, and fluent in English. Of course, I guess I am too old (mid 40s) and poor to be worthwhile. I guess the days when someone can come here work hard and succeed are long gone.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I agree. Trump thinks he’s supposed to recruit the best talent, but you can’t run a country like a company.

      Several combinations on that test show that the RAISE Act is intended to block entry.

      I think he learned with healthcare that he can’t tell Congress to just do whatever he wants. He said “there’s a narrow path on healthcare…you change one thing and lose two Republicans…you change something else and lose a Democrat.”

      Now he’s trying to create a bill that will pass in Congress without them realizing its real intentions.

    1. Thank you, Nasir.

      If you or your clients request further information about this post or anything in my other posts, I’m happy to answer your questions.

      Likewise, if you have additional information, I’m happy to have you here!

  5. There are many things wrong here but one item I want to point out is the education field. I have a master’s degree but not in STEM. What would I put for education then? (Rhetorical question that doesn’t actually need an answer.)

    1. Thank you. Great question!

      Your masters degree would have to be a professional degree like medicine, law, MBA, or you’d have to select bachelors degree.

      Is there anything else I can help you with?

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